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An Inconvenient Truth (2006) (DVD Rip)
Video > Movies
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Oct 16, 2006


This isn't an inconvenient truth really. It is a convenient threat to the world, created for and by those people that want, but not really deserve power. 

Because if people perceives a threat to the world, they will vote for a "saviour".

Don't be mislead. The greenhouse effect won't kill you. Poverty kills people, and one way to help poor people in the world is to let them burn "dirty" oil and coal. Another way is by letting the world economy grow, by not imposing excessive taxes on energy.

Global warming is an irritant, but it is a price we must pay so that people in China, India and Africa can enjoy the same living standard as people in the West, because they deserve it.

This film is taken from a preview DVD, so the quality is good.


If you seriously believe that global warming is just an "irritant" and that the displacement of hundreds of millions of people and destruction of much of the worlds useable surface area isn't as big a deal as the film shows...
You are a fucking moron. Plain and simple.
thanks for the upload but open your eyes or we're all dead, poor or not won't matter
This film suggests that half of Greenland and half of Antarctica is going to melt soon, which will flood all our cities.

This is bogus. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which is more credible than anyone else, has found that the sea-level will increase 110-770 mm (most likely value somewhere in the middle) between 1990 and 2100.

One hundred years ago electricity was unheard of. In another 100 years, who knows what will happen. Maybe we will have complete climate control, or live in module homes that can be moved anywhere. We will most likely have found a different energy source.

Sure there are other, both positive and negative, effects of global warming.

My advice is: don't lose any sleep over it. We have other much more urgent needs right now, such as Darfur. Problems that are also easier and cheaper to fix.

I'm not a USA republican by the way, but Swedish libertarian (almost). I perfectly understand I'm a minority, but maybe someone will rethink their beliefs, or maybe I will hear some really good arguments and change the way I see things.

Cheers everyone!
mmmm, personally I would love the sea to rise up a hundred feet or so, would make my house waterside. Can't wait.
oh and btw, greenhouse gases, polutants etc have no real affect on the temperature of the planet... its a natural cycle... New evidence has shown the earth was much warmer in centuries past, before they had all these so called 'global warming' gadgets. For example farming tools found in greenland from 15th centuray, proving it used to be warm up there.
So yes sadly taxcut is kinda right, live with it....

Oh and before someone else says it... Yes I am a propaganda machine for the mighty lizard people globalists secret midgets society, and we do rule the world. And yes, I'm jewish.

do you people think God meant he was going to come down on earth and shoot lightning at our asses when he talked about Armageddon. ITS EITHER THIS OR THE FUCKING USA WITH THEIR WARS!! anyway an ice age would take out the usa fast while people would repatriate to Africa(n such). SO BABYLON WILL FALL ANYWAY. FIRE PON THEM WICKED PAGANS!!!!

///Jah Blessings
This is an important movie for the people of our time. And its a very nice one too!
Im going to seed this one with 12Mbit/s upload for a month now just for the good purpose of it. Take care!
Quality is excellent. In MP4. Playable with, among other programs, Quicktime and VLC player.
IMDB rating is a high 8.2!
Seriously, you're an idiot!

We have a new alternative energy source named Nuclear Fusion, but it will only be productive enough over 50 years at least! There is just enough oil to last about 30 years, and Uraniuam and plutonium to last 50.000 years. Solar panels won't help, because they cost a lot of energy to build and don't have such a good efficiency. And i'm against windmills because they destroy underwater habitats with the acustic waves they produce in the water.

And don't think about a rise in water level like in waterworld. But even with a small rise New Orleans, The Netherlands and other below sealevel places will disappear because the dams won't be able to hold the pressure.

And then there is the fact that deserts tend to spread out if temperature increases. So lots of fertile land will disappear and there will be foodshortage!

And don't forget, nature (plants and animals) are the first victims of global warming.

And like many people said it used to be much hotter on earth thousand years ago and so warming is just a natural fenomena i agree, but the greenhouse effect is an accelerated global warming!

and i can continue for many hours!
I knew there was something a miss when my taxi driver arrived in a canoe lol :P

I can't say i agree with all what you say taxcut, but thanks all the same for uploading this video :)

''the world we live in is a gift from our ancestors & a loan from our children''.if you can't make it better for your children atleast make sure that they get it in the same condition as you got it.
as i see it the culprits are the capitalists.the word ''enough'' does not exist for them it's only more & more.selfish bastards they'll do anything for money.they have no moral & they are behind everything that is evil in this world.''all that is evil comes from a country called u.s.a & it comes through thin air(media)''.för ex. a life style that consumes more & wastes more,self centered & without moral & it's infecting the children around the world.
tintintin, i dont think its really fair to say all that is evil comes from the usa. all throughout history the world powerhouses have been consumed by their quest for more power so the usa is not alone. And any 'first world' country (I use that term very loosely) is guilty of following in the footsteps of the usa.

I do think the greenhouse effect is a problem. I do my bit to prevent its acceleration. I know I should not be content with thinking that is enough but its better than nothing. I do live in the false hope that the worlds problems will sort themselves out but eventually 'someone' will have to step up.

Thnx for the download taxcut
Blahvonblah wrote ?If you seriously believe that global warming is just an "irritant" and that the displacement of hundreds of millions of people and destruction of much of the worlds useable surface area isn't as big a deal as the film shows... You are a fucking moron. Plain and simple.?

Correct, but nonetheless, Incomplete!!!!

If you seriously believe the above statement **AND** believe that you can assume the role of impartial observer/critic, you are a ?fucking moron?.

What, you think your sanctimonious existence is somehow abstracted from humanity?s net environmental effect? Don?t you see the irony in using a computer to draft such solicitation? You really are a moron. Ooops, incomplete; WE are all fucking morons!!!

Apathy is implicit to the human condition; we?re constantly looking to prosper, no matter what the cost. After all, you ARE here to steal something that inherently doesn?t belong to you! So will we spend the next n+1 years worrying about our dying planet? Of course not; we will blindly consolidate our own position in the fear that another may take our place. Don?t embrace hypocrisy by denying the greed that has served you so well, for the fate of humanity, by definition, is of little consequence.

?In a godless universe, we are obliged to set faith upon the altar of an apathetic humanity: disappointment will inevitably prevail.?
Umm arguments aside, I did NOT get this movie to work. I have most codecs etc.

Anyone else not get this to work?
Johnnyfacker2...if you are going to be stupid enough spam with a link to your own blog, at least be smart enough to update the damned thing more than once.
thanks for the torrent-but like the guy said, you're a moron! the truth is there are waaaaaay too many humans on the planet. too many for the planet to sustain. a lot of people are gonna die because of it whether it be our kids, grandkids or great grandkids. big wipeout! but it's not all bad news, cos then the planet will be able to get back on an even keel eventually, and then the descendants of the survivors can start the whole process again... woohooo!
Hey instead of uploading this, why dont u upload the next few nascar events so u and your redneck friends can have nascar parties in ur trailer home.
I will return to destroy you all.....puny humans you have had your day in the sun......
Thanks for the video man, but keep in mind that Global Warming isn't just about rising temperatures- isn't that kind of the point of the movie? It's about all this fucked up weather that it causes, and who's going to suffer for it.

I live in fucking Toronto, it's the second week of January, and it has yet to get cold enough for a significant snowfall.
you should alsoy watch The Planet:

it goes more in to the depth of the environment issue.
You are now ready for an even more important documentary:

ZEITGEIST The Movie - DVD - including cover art
je moeder is een hoer en ze houdt ervan om je lul te zuigen, once opon of time toen je moeder 18 werd ging ze als hoer op de wallen werken, en niemand wou het met haar doen omdat ze net zo lelijk is als jij, maar tog nog kwam er een klant! jij was het! taxcut! en omdat het in nederland was moest je belasting betalen over je moeders kut tax over je moeders cut, dat kom je niet betalen en jullie gingen shows doen. er kwam nog steeds niemand kijken
end of story vistit www.jemoederiseenhoer.orgie
for mor

tankx for the movie
just kidd''n
This guy screams retarded Republican. I bet he doesn't believe in evolution either. The Earth is FUCKED if we continue down this road. I admit sometimes the environment is not always on our minds but pretty soon it will be when the Ice Age hits and 2 billion people are left homeless/ most probably dead. Then the rest are left to fight over the resources, until there is nothing left.
The earth is fucked if Americans continue to vote stupid =).

On the other I'm a green-left (and in that order) it strikes me as odd that when you vote for a president in USA you choose between right and right :P. They don't care too much about the environment either...

But seriously people give too much attention to Global Warming which unfortunately diverts attention from even more pressing environmental issues
This film would make a great prestiage if it would tell you the truth about global warming , it's quick flashing scenes and ill begotten music gave me a sense of forboding and doesn't not help to convey a sense of workable energy alternatives, this film made me feel helpless and depresssed. Much of the film is with Al Gore without anyone really backing up his views , it is like a big ego trip.My conclusion is if you want a pure disaster horror film then this is the one for you, but if you want a unbiased view of global temprature change then look to the bbc horizion documentary about global climate change. the nobelprice has lost all of his meaning and prestige since Al Gore got his. If anyone believes that humans causes global warming is either ignorant or having an agenda. Al Gore does have an agenda, look at his new company which buys and sells carbon credits, instant money for nothing.The "Greener" religion just doesn't standup to Scientific facts. Al Gore would sell his mother for a little feel good publicity. Alfred Nobel is probably rolling in his grave over what the Nobel prize become. The Nobel Peace Prize had lost it prestige long ago when it was given to Arafat, the father of modern terrorism.

The nine alleged errors in the film
# Mr Gore claims that a sea-level rise of up to 20 feet would be caused by melting of either West Antarctica or Greenland "in the near future". The judge said: "This is distinctly alarmist and part of Mr Gore's "wake-up call". He agreed that if Greenland melted it would release this amount of water - "but only after, and over, millennia"."The Armageddon scenario he predicts, insofar as it suggests that sea level rises of seven metres might occur in the immediate future, is not in line with the scientific consensus."

# The film claims that low-lying inhabited Pacific atolls "are being inundated because of anthropogenic global warming" but the judge ruled there was no evidence of any evacuation having yet happened.

# The documentary speaks of global warming "shutting down the Ocean Conveyor" - the process by which the Gulf Stream is carried over the North Atlantic to western Europe. Citing the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the judge said that it was "very unlikely" that the Ocean Conveyor, also known as the Meridional Overturning Circulation, would shut down in the future, though it might slow down.

# Mr Gore claims that two graphs, one plotting a rise in C02 and the other the rise in temperature over a period of 650,000 years, showed "an exact fit". The judge said that, although there was general scientific agreement that there was a connection, "the two graphs do not establish what Mr Gore asserts".

# Mr Gore says the disappearance of snow on Mt Kilimanjaro was directly attributable to global warming, but the judge ruled that it scientists have not established that the recession of snow on Mt Kilimanjaro is primarily attributable to human-induced climate change.

# The film contends that the drying up of Lake Chad is a prime example of a catastrophic result of global warming but the judge said there was insufficient evidence, and that "it is apparently considered to be far more likely to result from other factors, such as population increase and over-grazing, and regional climate variability."

# Mr Gore blames Hurricane Katrina and the consequent devastation in New Orleans on global warming, but the judge ruled there was "insufficient evidence to show that".

# Mr Gore cites a scientific study that shows, for the first time, that polar bears were being found after drowning from "swimming long distances - up to 60 miles - to find the ice" The judge said: "The only scientific study that either side before me can find is one which indicates that four polar bears have recently been found drowned because of a storm."That was not to say there might not in future be drowning-related deaths of bears if the trend of regression of pack ice continued - "but it plainly does not support Mr Gore's description".

# Mr Gore said that coral
why are american republicans and its sympathizers so stupid asseholes.
the uploader isnt a moron.hes just a mere puppet in the hands of capitalist and oil loving companies.
I hate this movie.. it is all a lie.. fuck al gore..
But it's great quality
I'd really prefer that there were information on the file itself, instead of a political commentary. You are entitled to your beliefs and we are to ours. Just remember that the ice sheet is melting at an incredible rate, and that a flash flood caused by a glacier chunk falling into the ocean could kill you.
This movie should be called An Convenient Lie, this ludacris Mr Gore is talking about is all bull, animals, vulkanos, naturally dying vegetation, oceans and sea´s produce thousands of procent´s more co2 then all men and factorys put togheter.
Let me put it this way, for a plant to grow, co2 is a must!! Dont belive the hype.
Seek for alternative opinion before you belive anything
Oil Comany spammer in our midst! Oldngrey is working for the oil companies. He pastes the same spam on every global warming page trying to progagandize the pirate bay lefties with right wing corporate lies.

Be inteligent, research, read, watch this link if you have any doubts:
pretty stupid comentary from the uploader if you want to inform something dont take sides present the facts not your own beliefs or the beliefs of others.
Personaly i dont even understand why would you post something else on the torrent but info about the quality, sound size, frame rates, plot outline etc...
dont post own beliefs, spoilers etc. thank you
To oldngrey

# The documentary speaks of global warming "shutting down the Ocean Conveyor" - the process by which the Gulf Stream is carried over the North Atlantic to western Europe. Citing the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the judge said that it was "very unlikely" that the Ocean Conveyor, also known as the Meridional Overturning Circulation, would shut down in the future, though it might slow down.

There is a deep ocean current that circulates southward down from Greenland all the way down to Antarctica and East towards Australia and up and around back Southward and Westerly as the water rises and circulates all the way back to the starting point as warmer "surface" water over a period of 1,000 years.

If this circulation is disturbed, things will go crazy in our atmosphere, like in the move The Day After Tomorrow," just not as fast. I only pulled this one out of your lack of knowledge about the global conveyor belt thermohaline circulation because what you said is just wrong. You can do research through books or legitimate sources.

I would comment on the rest, but there is too much to talk about.
could anybody seed it again ??? I've got 33% and it's stopped ;/
The Great Global Warming Swindle. Watch it, then come back and talk to us about how "we" are the "idiots".
This a true movie with reliable facts! Global Warming is REAL! Anyone who says different is a lying fuck face. We must all band together to help solve this problem.
I agree with dark. I haven't even seen the movie yet and all the comments im looking at say nothing about quality. Even the uploader smurfed this thing. This is not a place for politics. We're all pirates :-)
PLEASE SEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Everyone should read this great selection of articles from Canadian newspaper The National Post about scientists who disagree with the current view of climate change and why.
No, "oldngrey", you are not the only one (who believes in whatever he wants), but you are one of very, very few, and increasingly fewer, who still finds it meaningful to challenge the major thesis or the film, namely that we are seriously contributing to global warming by filling the atmosphere with carbon dioxide.
And frankly, I would buy stuff from you company too, if you had scientific decency to mention that the same judge you are so keen of quoting concluded that the major thesis of the film stands and that it is suitable for the in class, school education, if completed with more less dramatical and more scientific evidence. Look at this (and yes, I do make it possible to check my sources in full):
High Court Judge Michael Burton, deciding a lawsuit that questioned the film's suitability for showing in British classrooms, said Wednesday that the movie builds a "powerful" case that global warming is caused by humans and that urgent means are needed to counter it.

And "oldngrey", remember that Gore's and Guggenheim's film is just an informative/propaganda film, for something that really needs propaganda, for it has been oversighted for too long, and as such, a damn good one film, too.
Please seed! Been sitting at 99% for days! Thanks a ton!
Well, many says it's fact. Some say it's not proven. A growing array of top notch scientists are actually beginning to tear the lie apart. Watch this very illuminating 2007 documentary.
how do you play mp4 types???
If you're interested in climate (and have some education) here is an update on what science knows and does not know at the start of 2009:
You might get it to work by renaming it to .mpg or .avi or .wmv
Or you could install the VLC video player which plays almost every available format:
Al Gore is a hero!
Al Gore is not a hero, he is a fraud. And he is making a hell of a lot of money flying around in his jet perpetuating his fraud.

Global warming / CO2 myth is an excuse to tax the air you breathe.
I used to be a borderline skeptical on this topic. In my personal life I had seen things around me in nature that said yeah, were getting hotter. Then I seen things that said hey, it's a load of crap. I think calling it climate change is better. Because it's not just about getting warmer, but actually changing the earths global climate. There is a group of people that want to tell us, that there is nothing we can do to prevent this from coming to pass and we just need to ride it out. Yes, we have seen warming and cooling patterns in the past. Though none, not a single one has ever been has severe or sustained as the one were in right now. Guess, what is the only thing that has changed since the last one, we are an industrialized world. Scientists aren't alarmed that the climate is getting warmer, its the rate and sustained period that it continues to warm at. People say well 2008 was the coolest since 2000, but it is still on the top ten hottest years since we have began measuring this. My parents and grandparents have told me they dont remember the temps being this hot and summers lasting as long as they do now, or even winters being as warm. People that think over 6 billion humans on the planet with developed nations rising, have no effect on the climate, just are simply amazing. WTF are you retarded? Though people that make the claim that the earth isn't warming at all amaze me even more so. Hopefully something minor but undeniably irrefutable will happen that will be proof of this, before it is too late. Some people need to open their eyes and realize, we can do something and we dont have to give up our lives or money in doing so, just a change from where we get our energy and do with our waste.
Read this PDF:

Contains many quotes from actual UN IPCC scientists. Even they think global warming is a load of shit. Most people's opinions are formed by the media, not "peer-reviewed scientific papers".

The only winners in this hoax are Al Gore and the Goldman Sach execs in the bluesource scam that will own the "carbon exchange". By taxing the air you breathe they have a license to print money.
Is it the uploader who wrote this bullshit that only poverty kills people and that the peoplel of west are paying the price for the actions done by east to maintain the standards!!!!!
I am sorry to say, but it is you who despite of having good living standard but still have the brain of an ass.
Though eastern countries might have played more role in global warming but it is your country that started all this!!!! So why don't u be in front to end this too instead of stating about the saviour vote that he will get!!!!!!
Burning dirty oil seems to be relevant to the poor country but what about the rich country why are they increasingly burning the fuel and not trying to know the effects of them!!!!
Who am i talking to ????? Well who are you??? You can do no shit about this, actually not about anything!!!!
To everyone who still think that science hasn't come to a conclusion yet, please open your eyes and look at this video, it shows you that science is united behind the idea that global warming exists;

Global warming is a fact and it's sad to see people thinking it's a scam. You probably have these preconcieved ideas and very narrow mindset because you've never been outside your hometown.

Just watched that video on TED. Thanks for wasting my time. That is NOT science, the only thing it proves is that some glaciers are melting faster in some places, and he found a way to dramatize the presentation by using time lapse cameras. Im starting to think global warming is just another religion, and that TED is not worth watching anymore if they air inconclusive garbage like that video. What a waste of time. The fact the presenter sealed the belief in his audience by calling them "elites" is a self serving bribe in itself and should NOT be trusted.

If you subscribe to the message of that video you are a idiot. Plain and simple.
please seed kind sir.
thank you!
PROPAGANDA!!!!! Al Gore is directly invested in the companies we are to pay carbon taxes to. UN scientists have already been busted lying. It's over... Why do you think the news dropped talking about it so much? LIES. Breathing is not bad people... Trust me. It's not. Morons
Well, I'm not a scientist... yet.
But if you go a few hundred years back in history people in Europe would laugh and think you were crazy at the mention the Earth was round.
We should all consume less junk and hope we don't have the same fate as dinosaurs.
I wants to save the environments and shits yo.
"LarryH at 2009-05-30 05:44 CET:
Al Gore is not a hero, he is a fraud. And he is making a hell of a lot of money flying around in his jet perpetuating his fraud."

Not as much as oil and coal companies, lawl.
humans are affected from treir environment
we keep making worse the environment (nature, big cities, stress, etc.)
RESULT= human downfall
as we rised like animals we will eat each other like super civilised animals
they say its a crisis, but its getting worse every day same thing since 2000
Jeezus effing Christ people. Comment on the torrent's quality and not what you think about the issue please.
damn was that fast! Thanks taxcut for the upload! much appreciated
fabiooramos, you f***ing moron!! Nobody ever really thought the earth was flat.
regardless of the quality of this film, climate change deniers are simpletons who distrust science because frankly, they don't understand it, thus lack the ability to double check the work of scientists. Either that, or they're blinded by dollar signs, and incapable of admitting that what makes them money, is also bad for the environment. I think it's hilarious that people take a political stance on this, like the verdict on science is still "out there" or some retarded bullshit excuse like that. If you can't understand how infrared works, then don't try and say that global warming is a scam. Stop trying to argue with thermometers.
This screening copy is the property of Paramount Pictures. All rights reserved. Thank you uploader. Incredible movie. Are we guilty of future murder? Possibly.